I have had some sort of webpage or website since 1995, just for fun.
Here's an overview and flashback of what they have been about:
May 1995: First "home" page created at home. Had already been writing HTML pages at work.
Website turned into baby book recording events of the growth, development and experiences of my children.
Started entering my movie reviews into a database. Site was asp.net using chili pepper at first.
Lots of family pictures and photo albums to share with family. Pre Facebook of course. Eventually had to make website use php.
1998: Slide shows of me with famous people covering 1982-2003.
11/28/2000 - 9/11/2004: Website with family photos and search links to pertinent things in my life at the time. And my animated gif that I morphed using Adobe products in 2000.
2002ish-2007ish: Website had a "Services" page since I was starting a business as Technology Advisor.
2004: Started to become aware of "predators" and what they could do with my information and pictures so most content was removed.
2005: Cutesy website with my baby picture and my favorite mantra of the time. Each redesign was a chance to enhance my skills.
2006-2007: Becoming difficult to write reviews for movies but still tried to maintain a list of movies seen, somewhere.
2011-2013: Website was just a site of feeds to provide content but still hold my movie reviews that were not being updated.
2014: Got movie titles imported that were missing and in a spreadsheet so movie database would be up to date.
October 2014:Finally created a new website that works on any device and even added lists of books I have been "reading".
June 2015: Redesigned website again. Published 6/8/2015 3d.gailjo.com just goes to www.gailjo.com
January 24, 2018: Removed "Print" link to 3D hubs. No longer on that site.
April 13, 2018: Removed "Buy" link to Etsy. Wasn't making any kind of sales of 3D printed items. Didn't put the whole etsy effort required into it.
November 25, 2018: Added note on top of Movie Page about how to search when on phone AND added TOP button when scroll so can jump back to the top.